Prime Science - Our Story

Hi! My name is Timmy and I’m the founder of Prime Science. I’m a Swedish engineer based in London. I’ve always struggled to lose weight and some stubborn fat. Already as a child, I realised that I gained weight easily. It felt like I could gain weight just by watching some of my friends eat a pizza. This was a continuous struggle for me!

Luckily, I did play a fair bit of sports when I was a kid which did keep me in decent shape. However, when I started working on cruise ships in my early 20s I gained a lot of weight really quickly. When came home from the cruise ships at the age of 24 I looked at myself in the mirror and I really didn’t like what I saw. I was 24 and really out of shape.

I started going to the gym to get back into shape. Coming from a scientific background I started to read more about how to get in better shape. This quickly led to more knowledge around nutrition as well. Through my reading I’ve acquired these qualifications/associations:

- Personal Trainer Certification from Expert Rating

- Certificate in Nutrition from Optimum Nutrition for Health & Performance

-Affiliate Member of Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIPSA)

-Member of National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

With this knowledge, I was getting more and more strict with my diet and improved my training. Still, I didn’t feel I really got the results I deserved. I didn’t make the gains I thought my effort and commitment deserved.

Even with all this knowledge, I wasn’t getting any stronger and there was still a fair bit of fat to lose. To be honest it felt a bit unfair that I struggled so much to get the body I wanted. I also had really stubborn fat on my belly that made me very self-conscious.

The lack of progress in the gym also made me question if there was any point in continuing. I was thinking If I’m not making any progress what is the point?

But going to the gym is a part of my personality so I felt I had to find a way to improve.

Learning about cold benefits

I kept reading more to try and find out what I could do more and what type of hacks I could find to get the body I wanted. I listened to podcasts, read books and articles about health and fitness. Then at one point, I came across the book “The 4-hour body” by Tim Ferris. In the book, Tim writes about all the benefits of cold thermogenesis. He also talks about how Michael Phelps ate up to 10,000 calories per day before the Beijing Olympics where he won 8 gold medals. I thought this sounds insane, but I have to know more!

This led me into understanding more about Brown Fat or Brown Adipose Tissue as it’s also called. The most interesting study I found was one that point out that constitutionally lean women have activated brown fat at room temperature, and other women don’t. I quickly realised this is what keeps some people lean regardless of what they eat.

At the same time I listened to the Huberman Lab podcast. He was talking about this method called Palm Cooling that had led to:

  • 144% increase in Pull-Ups for trained individuals (Link to study)
  • 201% increase in Dips for an NFL player in absolute peak condition
  • 26% increase in Bench Press for lifters with over 10 years of gym experience (Link to study)
  • 25% increase in Endurance (Link to study)
  • More fat loss and improved endurance (Link to study)

For me this sounded insane! But so good I had to try it!

The results were mind blowing! I increased my Shoulder Press by 58% in only 5 weeks!

The results were fantastic but the method was carrying a water bucket around the gym so it wasn’t sustainable in the long run.

Creating products that solves problems

With the knowledge of these two methods I felt I might finally be able to get the body I wanted. I started to try and build something that reaches the temperature required for both Brown Fat activation Palm Cooling.

For Palm Cooling I needed to keep the temperature at 15 degrees for at least 1 hour workout. This turned out to be a real challenge. I tested loads of solutions to ensure it was practical.

I spent 100s of hours in the gym refining and making it more practical and making sure it works in any gym.

After all this testing I reach the perfect solution – The Peak Performance Bar

For Brown Fat activation I tested a lot of different cooling methods. It was quickly clear that your run of the mill ice packs from Amazon didn’t get close to what was required. I worked with different manufacturers to get ice packs that maintain cold for long enough.

On top of getting ice packs that were cold enough, I needed to find material to apply the ice packs on the body that didn’t damage the skin. Being from Sweden I learn basic sewing skills at school and I already had a sewing machine that I used to adjust my own shirts. 😊

I drew up different designs and started testing materials.

Some tests went well, and some went not well at all leading to a few frostbites. Every mistake leading to frostbite stopped the testing for a bit. Luckily none of the mistakes led to any permanent damage. However, the term “kids don’t try this at home” is very applicable to this! 

Man standing wearing Prime Science Calorie burner vest over shoulders

After many many hours of testing and prototyping, I got what is close to what we today call the Prime Science Calorie Burner Vest.

Now when you know a bit more about us and how our products came about you can rest assured that they are based on a lot of research and testing.

Thank you very much for reading!